To make a new page use square brackets:[your page name] Don't use > or < or % in page names.

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wiki's whose owners have paid accounts also have these options. You can upgrade your account by logging in and going to your account home page.
delete this page
hide this page, so that no one but the wiki owner can see its contents (but the page is still listed in the directory)
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lock this page, so no one but the wiki owner can edit it
unlock this page, so that everyone can edit it
share this page with wikis using the _share_pages widget

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These are some of seedwiki's widgets that you can use by typing the widget ( including the square brackets) into your pages. Some widgets have arguments that come after the "|". Some widgets, like _addcomments, can be used with the sample arguments listed here. Some widgets, like _includepage, need to have there sample arguments replaced with real values. For _includepage, you would need to replace the sample value "some other page" with a real page name from your wiki.

Each widget is display in a text input so you can copy and paste it into your page if you want. If you paste a widget into your page you will need to replace the values for its arguments with the values you actually want to use in your page.

The a widget puts an anchor tag in the page.

This widget takes three arguments:

  • the first argument is the name of the anchor
  • the second argument is the visible label to be used for the anchor, this is the text the user sees as a link
  • the third argument is optional, it makes the anchor go to another anchor on the same page. Use the name of the destination anchor for this argument.

This widget allows you to include the content of one page in your wiki in another page. People often use this widget for menus or sets of links that they want to display on a group of pages in their wiki.

  • The only argument to this widget is the name of the page you want to include. This page must be in the same wiki as the page you are including its content into. If the page does not already exist in the wiki, _includepage will create a ? link that will allow you to create the page.

This widget allows you to put a link on a wiki page to download a file that was uploaded to a page in the wiki. These files are not kept under the web root so you cannot create a normal link that will give access to them.

  • The first argument is the full name of the file, including its extension.
  • The second argument is the label you want the user to see for the link.
  • The third argument is the wikipage name that the file is stored under. This argument is optional. If you do not include it the name of the page the widget is on will be used. This allows you to place the link to the file on a different page in the wiki than the page the file was emailed to.
  • For security reasons the widget does not allow you to download files that were stored in a different wiki than the one you are using the widget in. This means that files sent to pages in a password protected wiki can only be downloaded by people who know the password.

addcomments lets you place a threaded discussion form on the page. People can add comments and comment on other people's comments.

  • The widget can take up to 5 arguments:
  • The first argument (10 in the example) is the number of rows to show in the edit box for adding a comment.
  • The second argument (40 in the example) is the number of columns to show in the edit box for adding a comment.
  • The third argument (20 in the example) is the number of comments to display on the page (comments are displayed in reverse date order).
  • The forth argument (whose values can be "anyone" or "loggedin") determines whether anyone can add a comment, or only logged in users.
  • The fifth argument is what the "comments" will be called. Since in the example is is "comment" the form will display "add a comment". If is had been "posting" the form would display "add a posting"

This widget places an event calendar in the page that allows people to enter events. Events drop off the calendar after the date they occur

There is one parameter: date mask. If one of a set of alternate date masks is supplied it will be used instead of the default date mask, which is "mm/dd/yyyy". The only alternative date mask that can be used is "yyyy/mm/dd". This parameter is optional. If it is not present the default date mask will be used. -->

This widget returns the number of non-deleted pages in the wiki


Generates a recent changes page for the wiki it's placed in that displays each page name in a size that indicates the number of changes that page has had in the relevant time period. IT takes 3 arguments.

  • The first argument is the number of days to include. The default is 7.
  • The second argument is the number of changes to use for each text size. There are 6 text sizes so
  • there are six step numbers that can be set. The default is: 1,5,10,20,40,80
  • The third argument allows you to show all changes in seedwiki instead of changes for just one wiki If you want to show all changes enter: ALL

This widget reports on the number of individual ip addresses that have visited the wiki.

This widget displays the number of hits a wiki has received each day over the last 4 months.

This widget displays the number of visitors a wiki has received each day over the last 4 months.

This widget will replace the text that displays on the page or in buttons and links. To use _replace, first look at the page in source view and see if there is a "span" element around the text you want to replace that has a "name" attribute defined, or the button or link you want to relabel have a "name" attribute defined. If they do you can change their text... if they do not, you cannot change it.

Enter the _replace widget at the bottom of your page, it takes 3 arguments:

  • 1)the HTML name of the span, button or link
  • 2) the text you want to replace the "named" text, button label or link label
  • 3) if you are replacing for a button or a link, a new "title" that will be used to display a tooltip when the user mouses over the button or link.
safe mode